“We’ve enjoyed working with Siobhan, as she brings strong insights and experience in developing an impact framework as well as an understanding of the investing side of the business. She’s also got a great coaching style, guiding the AHL team to develop our impact theory for our new bridge debt product”.
Rosanne Whalley, CEO, AHL Venture Partners
"We worked well with Siobhan on various projects over the last couple of years and value her strategic insight and impact investing experience in the SSA region"
Gary Vaughan-Smith, CIO SilverStreet Capital LLP
"I was delighted to reconnect with Siobhan again as our knowledge consultant on the Impact Programme having first worked together 8 years earlier on the Business Innovation Facility where Siohban was our Zambia country lead. Siobhan combines hard earned experience from working with businesses 'at the coal face' generating development benefits for their stakeholders and communities, with her knowledge and understanding of finance and current trends and frontiers in impact investment. On the Impact Programme, funded by DFID and working closely with CDC, Siobhan led our Information and Insights Strategy, securing buy in and support from CDC, DFID and the Programme's Steering Committee. Siobhan is a great team player, bringing her expertise and insight to the Programme's Theory of Change and M&E Framework, and drawing on her extensive networks in the impact investment community."
Jack Newnham, Director - Impact Programme Project Coordination Unit, Director - PwC
"In 2019, the Zambian Conservation Farming Unit engaged Siobhan and her team to carry out a Mid-Term Review of the CFU's regional programme. They did an exemplary job throughout the whole process, and unlike others who we engage now and have engaged in the past stayed focused on the programme under review and made viable recommendations that do not overstep what the programme is doing. A welcome change from the usual nonsensical recommendations made by others. They, unlike most, actually understand the smallholder farming sector".
Mike Mailloux, Strategy Director at the Conservation Farming Unit
"Siobhan brought her expertise in agriculture, business and international development, adding strategic value to our project. Her unique experience as a farmer and impact investor enabled her to understand both sides of the value chain, in terms of risks, return and impact. Her experience was invaluable in developing a CSA-DIB financial model, project Theory of Change and IMM framework aligned to the SDGs and IRIS indicators. She introduced us to key contacts and players in this field and promoted new business opportunities. It was a pleasure to work with her and we are very grateful for her contribution".
"Siobhan provided practical, relevant insights and contributed to the articulation of our PSE approach, in particular, her SSA impact investing experience helped with the design of our PSE approach on Impact Investment Funds, a emerging financial PSE pillar of our work. She provided strategic value add in reviewing our approach on non-financial PSE modalities, particularly with the technical assistance component, which complements our approach to working with impact investing funds. Siobhan integrated key considerations related to our "A better world policy" that takes a "furthest behind first" approach as well as other cross cutting climate and gender considerations".
Chris Somerville, Agriculture & Private Sector Policy Lead, Economic Inclusion and Resilience Team, Development Co-operation Division - Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Aldo Soto, Senior Coordinator - Amazon Programme at The Rainforest Foundation UK